Castor Crop Improvement

 अरंडी फसल उन्नयन (Castor Crop Improvement):-

1. परिचय (Introduction):-

·         सामान्य नाम:- अरंडी

(Common Name:- Castor)

·         वानस्पतिक नाम:- Ricinus communis

(Botanical Name:- Ricinus communis)

·         कुल:- यूफोर्बिएसी

(Family:- Euphorbiaceae)

·         गुणसूत्र संख्या:- 2n = 2x = 20

(Chromosome Numbers:- 2n = 2x = 20)

·         उत्पत्ति केन्द्र:- भारत  अफ्रीका का उष्ण कटिबंधीय क्षेत्र (Ethiopia)

[Center of Origin:- India and tropical zone of Africa (Ethiopia)]

2. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-

·         अरंडी में Raceme पुष्पक्रम मुख्य  पार्श्व शाखाओं के शीर्ष पर पाया होता है।

(In castor, Raceme inflorescence is found on apex of main and lateral branches.)

Ø  मुख्य तने के शीर्ष पर एक Raceme उपस्थित होता है जिसे प्राथमिक Raceme कहते हैं। इसके ठीक नीचे उपस्थित पर्व संधियों से 2 या 3 पार्श्व शाखाएँ विकसित होती हैं।

(A raceme is found at the apex of the main stem called the primary raceme. 2 or 3 lateral branches develop from the nodes present just below it.)

Ø  प्रत्येक शाखा के शीर्ष पर एक Raceme उपस्थित होता है जिसे द्वितीयक Raceme कहते हैं। इसके ठीक नीचे उपस्थित पर्व संधियों से 2 या 3 पार्श्व शाखाएँ विकसित होती हैं।

(A raceme is found at the apex of the each branch called the secondary raceme. 2 or 3 lateral branches develop from the nodes present just below it.)

Ø  प्रत्येक शाखा के शीर्ष पर एक Raceme उपस्थित होता है जिसे तृतीयक Raceme कहते हैं। इसके ठीक नीचे उपस्थित पर्व संधियों से 2 या 3 पार्श्व शाखाएँ विकसित होती हैं।

(A raceme is found at the apex of the each branch called the tertiary raceme. 2 or 3 lateral branches develop from the nodes present just below it.)

Ø  इस प्रकार शीर्षस्थ Raceme  शाखा निर्माण का यह क्रम लगातार चलता रहता है। इसे अनिर्धारित वृद्धि स्वभाव कहते हैं।

(Thus, this sequence of apical raceme and branch construction goes on continuously. This is called undetermined growth habit.)

·         अरंडी का Raceme पुष्पक्रम द्विलिंगाश्रयी होता है। Raceme के ऊपरी 30 – 50% भाग में मादा पुष्प होते हैं और नीचे के 50 – 70% भाग में नर पुष्प होते हैं। शीत ऋतु में मादा पुष्पों का प्रतिशत अधिक होता है जबकि ग्रीष्म  वर्षा ऋतु में नर पुष्पों का प्रतिशत अधिक होता है।

(Raceme inflorescence of castor is monoecious. The upper 30 - 50% of the raceme has female flowers and the lower 50 - 70% has male flowers. The percentage of female flowers is higher in winter season while the percentage of male flowers is higher in summer and rainy season.)

·         नर पुष्प (Male Flower):- यह वृंतीय  त्रिज्यात सममित होता है। 5 संयुक्त परिदल एक चक्र में पाये जाते हैं। असंख्य पुंकेसर होते हैं जो 5 समूहों में व्यवस्थित रहते हैं। अर्थात पुंकेसर बहुसंघी होते हैं।

(It is pedicellate and actinomorphic. 5 fused tepals are found in a whorl. There are numerous stamens that are organized into 5 groups. That is, stamens are polyadelphous.)

·         मादा पुष्प (Female Flower):- यह वृन्तीय  त्रिज्यात सममित होता है। 3 संयुक्त परिदल एक चक्र में पाये जाते हैं। 3 संयुक्त अण्डप पाये जाते हैं। प्रत्येक अण्डप में 1 बीजाण्ड होता है। स्तंभीय बीजाण्डन्यास पाया जाता है। 3 वर्तिकाएं होती हैं। प्रत्येक वर्तिकाग्र सिरे पर द्विशाखित  पंखनुमा होती है।

(It is pedicellate and actinomorphic. 3 fused tepals are found in a whorl. There are 3 fused carpels. There is 1 ovule in each carpel. Axile placentation is found. There are 3 styles. Each stigma is bifurcated and feathery at the apex.)

·         परागण (Pollination):-

Ø  स्त्रीपूर्वता पाये जाने के कारण अरंडी एक परपरागित फसल है।

(Castor is a cross pollinated crop due to the presence of protogyny.)

Ø  इसमें वायु परागण होता है।

(It show air pollination.)

Ø  नर पुष्प सुबह 4:30 से 5 बजे के मध्य खुलते हैं। परागकणों को गिराने के तुरन्त बाद नर पुष्प नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

(Male flowers open between 4:30 am and 5 am. Male flowers are destroyed soon after pollens are released.)

Ø  परागकण 2 दिनों तक जीवनक्षम रहते हैं।

(Pollens remain viable for 2 days.)

Ø  परागकण प्रकीर्णन के लिए उपयुक्त दशाएँ:-

(Conditions suitable for pollen dispersal: -)

i. तापमान (Temperature) = 26 – 29°C

ii. सापेक्षिक आर्द्रता (Relative Humidity)= 60%

Ø  पुष्पन के पूर्ण होने के लिए प्रत्येक Raceme 10 – 12 दिन का समय लेता है।

(Each raceme takes 10 - 12 days to complete the flowering.)

Ø  पुष्पन के पश्चात वर्तिकाग्र 5 – 10 दिन के लिए ग्राही बनी रहती है।

(After flowering, the stigma remains receptive for 5 - 10 days.)

·     फल (Fruit):- 

Ø  रेग्मा (Regma)

Ø  इसकी सतह पर कांटेनुमा अतिवृद्धियां पायी जाती हैं।

(Spiny outgrowth are found on its surface.)

Ø  फल 3 - एकबीजी भागों में विभाजित हो जाता है।

(Fruit is further divided into three 1-seeded parts.)

3प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objectives):-

a. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- अरंडी में उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है –

(The yield in castor depends on the following factors -)

i. पौधे का फैलाव (Spreading of Plant)

ii. प्रति पौधा पुष्पक्रमों की संख्या

(Number of racemes per plant)

iii. प्रति पुष्पक्रम मादा पुष्पों की संख्या

(Number of female flowers per raceme)

b. अगेती  शीघ्र पकने वाली किस्में (Early maturation varieties):- 150 से कम दिनों में पकने वाली किस्मों को तैयार करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(One purpose is to produce varieties that matures in less than 150 days.)

c. बीज की गुणवत्ता (Seed Quality):-

Ø  तेल की मात्रा को बढ़ाना (48% तक)

[Increase oil content (up to 48%)]

Ø  बीजों के विषैलेपन को कम करना:- अरंडी के बीजों में भ्रूणपोष में Ricin नामक विषैला प्रोटीन पाया जाता है जो यूकेरियोट्स के राइबोसोम्स एंजाइमैटिक रूप से ब्लॉक करके प्रोटीन संश्लेषण को रोक सकता है।

(Reducing the toxicity of seeds: - Castor seeds contain a toxic protein called Ricin in the endosperm that can inhibit protein synthesis by enzymatically blocking the ribosomes of eukaryotes.)

d. रोग रोधिता (Disease Resistance):-

Ø  Fusarium wilt

Ø  Root not

Ø  Gray mold

e. आदर्श पादप प्रारूप (Ideal plant type):-

Ø  सीधा खड़ा पादप (Erect plant)

Ø  कम पादप ऊंचाई (1.5 मीटर से कम)

[Low plant height (less than 1.5 m)]

Ø  प्राथमिक Raceme की लंबाई (20 – 40 cm)

[Length of Primary Raceme (20 - 40 cm)]

f. अविशरण (Non - shattering)

g. अजैविक प्रतिबल रोधिता (Abiotic stress resistance):-

Ø  ताप सहिष्णुता (Temperature tolerance)

Ø  सूखा रोधिता (Drought resistance)

Ø  लवण रोधिता (Salinity resistance)

4प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding Methods):-

a. समूह वरण (Mass selection):-

Ø  IAC – 38:- यह ब्राज़ील में अरंडी की बौनी किस्म है।

(It is a dwarf variety of castor in Brazil.)

b. एकल पादप वरण विधि (Individual Plant selection method):-

Ø  Guarany:- उच्च उपज वाली किस्म

(High yielding variety)

c. वंशावली विधि (Pedigree method):-

Ø  IAC – 2028:- ब्राजील में बौनी  अविशरण वाली किस्म

(Dwarf and non-shattering variety in Brazil)

d. पुंज विधि (Bulk method)

e. प्रतीप संकरण विधि (Back cross method)

f. आवर्ती वरण (Recurrent selection)

g. संकर किस्में (Hybrid varieties):- स्त्रीकेसरी वंशक्रम VP – 1 के उपयोग से भारत में कई संकर किस्में विकसित की गई हैं -

(Several hybrid varieties have been developed in India using the pistillate line VP-1:-)

Ø  GAUCH – 1

Ø  GCH – 2

Ø  GCH – 3:- यह अरंडी की प्रथम वाणिज्यिक किस्म है जिसे भारत में विकसित किया गया था। इसमें निम्न उत्तम लक्षण हैं –

(It is the first commercial variety of castor that was developed in India. It has the following superior characters -)

i. उच्च उपज (High Yield)

ii. सूखा सहिष्णु (Drought tolerance)

iii. मध्यम परिपक्वता काल (140 – 210 दिन)

[Medium maturation period(140 - 210 days)]

iv. उच्च तेल प्रतिशत (46%)

[High oil content (46%)]

Ø  GCH – 4

नोट (Note):- गुजरात में 95% अरंडी उत्पादन संकर बीज के उपयोग से किया जाता है।

(In Gujarat, 95% castor production is done using hybrid seeds.)

Sample Link


How to Purchase? (कैसे खरीदें?)

i. Make Payment (भुगतान करें):- Scan and Pay money as given in price index according to requirement.

(स्कैन करें और आवश्यकतानुसार price index में दी गयी राशि का भुगतान करें।)

ii. Place Order (ऑर्डर दें):- Give your details by click on the link given.

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iii. Accept Invitation (आमंत्रण स्वीकार करें):- After successful payment an invitation from AGRICULTURE BOTANY will be sent to email id of student given in above link. Open the email and accept the invitation by clicking on it.

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