Maize Crop Improvement

UPDATED ON:- 01-07-2023

मक्का फसल सुधार (Maize Crop Improvement):-

1. परिचय (Introduction):-

·  सामान्य नाम:- मक्का

(Common Name:- Maize, Corn)

·  वानस्पतिक नाम:- Zea mays

(Botanical Name:- Zea mays)

·  कुल:- पोएसी या ग्रेमिनी

(Family:- Poaceae or Gramineae)

·  मक्के का उत्पादन धान्य फसलों में सबसे अधिक होता हैइसलिए इसे धान्य फसलों की रानी’ कहा जाता है।

(Maize has the highest crop yield among all of the cereals, hence it is called the 'queen of cereal crops'.)

2. गुणसूत्र संख्या  जातियाँ (Chromosome Numbers and Species):-

नोट:- उपरोक्त में से केवल Zea mays ही एक कृष्य जाति है। शेष तीनों जंगली जातियाँ हैं जिन्हें सामूहिक रूप से   ‘Teosinte’ कहते हैं।
(Note: - Out of the above, only Zea mays is a cultivated species. The remaining three are wild species collectively called 'Teosinte'.)

3. मक्का के प्रकार (Types of Maize):- 5 प्रकार हैं –

4. उत्पत्ति केन्द्र (Center of Origin):-

·  प्राथमिक उत्पत्ति केन्द्र (Primary Center of Origin):- Mexico

·  द्वितीयक उत्पत्ति केन्द्र (Secondary Center of Origin):- China

5. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-

·  मक्का में एकलिंगी पुष्प अर्थात नर  मादा पुष्प दोनों एक ही पौधे पर पाये जाते हैं। इस अवस्था को   द्विलिंगाश्रयी कहते हैं।

(In maize, unisexual flowers it means both male and female flowers are found on the same plant. This state is called monoecious.)

· मक्का में एकलिंगी पुष्प अर्थात नर  मादा पुष्प एक ही पौधे पर अलग अलग पुष्पक्रमों में पाये जाते हैं। इस   प्रकार मक्के के एक ही पौधे पर 2 प्रकार के पुष्पक्रम उपस्थित होते हैं।

(In maize, unisexual flowers it means male and female flowers are found in different inflorescences on the same plant. Thus, 2 types of inflorescences are present on the same maize plant.)

i. टैसल (Tassel)

ii. भुट्टा (Cob)

i. टैसल (Tassel):-

Ø  पौधे के शीर्ष पर उपस्थित नर पुष्पक्रम जिसमें नर पुष्प पाये जाते हैं।

(It is male inflorescence present at the top of the plant in which male flowers are found.)

Ø  यह संयुक्त स्पाइक पुष्पक्रम होता है। इसमें एक केंद्रीय अक्ष  पार्श्व शाखाएँ होती हैं।

(It is a combined spike inflorescence. It has a central axis and lateral branches.)

Ø  स्पाइकिकायें जोड़ों में केंद्रीय अक्ष  पार्श्व शाखाओं पर उत्पन्न होती हैं।

(Spikelets originate in pairs on the central axis and lateral branches.)

Ø  प्रत्येक जोड़े में एक स्पाइकिका शीर्षस्थ  वृन्तीय होती है तथा दूसरी स्पाइकिका पार्श्व  अवृन्तीय होती है।

(In each pair, one spikelet is terminal and pedicellate, while another spikelet is lateral and sessile.)

Ø  प्रत्येक स्पाइकिका में 2 नर पुष्प होते हैं जिनमें से एक अवृन्तीय  दूसरा वृन्तीय होता है।

(Each spikelet has 2 male flowers, one of which is sessile and the other is pedicellate.)

Ø  प्रत्येक नर पुष्प में 3 पुंकेसर होते हैं।

(Each male flower has 3 stamens.)

ii. भुट्टा (Cob):-

Ø  पौधे की पर्ण के कक्ष में भुट्टा उपस्थित होता है जिसमें मादा पुष्प पाये जाते हैं।

(Cob is present in the leaf axis of the plant in which female flowers are found.)

Ø  यह स्पैडिक्स पुष्पक्रम होता है। इसमें एक केंद्रीय अक्ष पर स्पाइकिकायें जोड़ों में पायी जाती हैं।

(This is spadix ​​inflorescence. Spikelets are found in pairs on a central axis.)

Ø  प्रत्येक जोड़े में एक स्पाइकिका शीर्षस्थ  वृन्तीय होती है तथा दूसरी स्पाइकिका पार्श्व  अवृन्तीय होती है।

(In each pair, one spikelet is terminal and pedicellate, while another spikelet is lateral and sessile.)

Ø  प्रत्येक स्पाइकिका में 2 मादा पुष्प होते हैं। इनमें से केवल शीर्षस्थ पुष्प उर्वर होता है जबकि पार्श्वीय पुष्प बंध्य   होता है।

(Each spikelet has 2 female flowers. Of these, only the terminal flower is fertile while the lateral flower is sterile.)

Ø  प्रत्येक मादा पुष्प में 1 अंडप होता है।

(Each female flower has 1 carpel.)

Ø  सबसे लम्बी वर्तिका मक्का के मादा पुष्प में पायी जाती है जो 30cm लम्बी होती है।

(The longest style is found in the female flower of maize plant which is 30cm long.)

Ø  सभी मादा पुष्पों की लम्बी वर्तिकाएं भुट्टे के शीर्ष पर सिल्क का निर्माण करती हैं।

(The long styles of all female flowers form silk on top of the cob.)

· परागण (Pollination):-

Ø  मक्का में परागण वायु के द्वारा होता है।

(Pollination in maize is by air.)

Ø  मक्का मुख्य रूप से परपरागित फसल है। इसमें 95% परपरागण  5% स्वपरागण होता है।

(Maize is mainly a cross pollinated crop. It has 95% cross pollination and 5% self pollination.)

Ø  मक्का में परपरागण के लिए निम्न अनुकूलतायें पायी जाती हैं:-

(The following adaptations are found in maize plant for cross pollination: -)

i. एकलिंगी पुष्प

(Unisexual flowers)

ii. द्विलिंगाश्रयी पौधा

(Monoecious plant)

iii. नर  मादा पुष्पक्रमों के परिपक्वन काल में अंतर

(Difference in maturation times of male and female inflorescence)

iv. सिल्क तंतुओं का सम्पूर्ण लंबाई में ग्राही होना

(Silk fibers are receptive throughout their full length)

v. असंख्य परागकण उत्पादन

(Infinite pollen production)

Ø  मक्का में पुंपूर्वता पायी जाती है। टैसल में पुष्पन भुट्टे से 2 दिन पहले ही हो जाता है।

(Protandry is found in maize. Flowering in tassels takes place 2 days before cob.)

Ø  मक्का 14 दिनों तक लगातार परागकण गिराता रहता है।

(Maize shed pollens continuously up to 14 days.)

Ø  परागकणों की जीवन क्षमता 24 घण्टे तक बनी रहती है।

(The viability of pollens lasts for 24 hours.)

Ø  मादा स्पाइकिकाओं का पुष्पन टैसल के पूर्ण रूप से खुलने के 2 – 5 दिन पश्चात शुरू होता है।

(The flowering of the female spikelets begins 2–5 days after the full opening of the tassel.)

Ø  मक्का में सम्पूर्ण वर्तिका ही वर्तिकाग्र का कार्य करती है। वर्तिका अपनी सम्पूर्ण लंबाई में 14 दिन तक ग्राही   बनी रहती है।

(In maize, the entire style acts as a stigma. The style remains receptive throughout its length for 14 days.)

· फल (Fruit):- कैरिओप्सिस (इसमें बीजचोल  फलभित्ति आपस में संलयित होते हैं।

[Caryopsis (In this seed coat and fruit wall are fused with each other.)]

6. प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objectives):-

a. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- यह निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है –

(It depends on the following factors -)

i. प्रति पौधा भुट्टों की संख्या

(Number of cobs per plant)

ii. भुट्टे का आकार

(Size of cob)

iii. प्रति भुट्टा कतारों की संख्या

(Number of queues per cob)

iv. प्रति कतार दानों की संख्या

(Number of grains per queue)

v. दानों का आकार

(Size of grains)

b. अनुकूलन (Adaptation):-

· मक्का एक Short Day Plant है। अर्थात पुष्पन के लिए इसे 8 घण्टे प्रकाश  16 घण्टे अंधेरे की आवश्यकता   होती है।

(Maize is a Short Day Plant. That is, for flowering it requires 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness.)

·  मक्का में पुष्पन 2 कारकों पर निर्भर करता है –

(Flowering in maize depends on 2 factors -)

i. प्रकाश अवधि (Photoperiod)

ii. तापमान (Temperature)

·  इसलिए मक्का में प्रकाश असंवेदी  शीघ्र पकने वाली क़िस्मों का निर्माण इसमें प्रजनन का उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Therefore, the production of photo-insensitive and early maturation varieties in maize is the purpose of breeding.)

c. गुणवत्ता (Quality):-

·  मक्का के बीजों में 10% प्रोटीन होती है जिसमें से 8% Prolamin प्रोटीन होती है जिसे Zein कहते हैं।

(Maize seeds contain 10% protein, of which 8% is Prolamin protein called Zein.)

·  प्रोटीन में लाइसिन  ट्रिप्टोफेन अमीनो अम्लों की कमी होती है।

(Protein lacks lysine and tryptophen amino acids.)

·  बीजों में विटामिन – B3 भी कम होता है जिसकी कमी से पिलेग्रा रोग होता है।

(Seeds also lack vitamin-B3, the deficiency of which causes Pilegra disease.)

·  उपज का प्रोटीन की मात्रा के साथ विपरीत सम्बंध होता है। प्रोटीन की मात्रा बढ़ाने पर उपज कम हो जाती है। इसका कारण यह है कि प्रोटीन निर्माण का खर्च अधिक है। अधिक प्रकाश संश्लेषण की आवश्यकता होती है।

(The yield has an inverse relationship with the amount of protein. Increasing the amount of protein decreases the yield. The reason for this is that the cost of protein synthesis is high. More photosynthesis is required.)

·  उपज का स्टार्च की मात्रा के साथ सीधा सम्बंध होता है। स्टार्च की मात्रा बढ़ाने पर उपज बढ़ती है। इसका   कारण यह है कि स्टार्च निर्माण का खर्च कम है। कम प्रकाश संश्लेषण की आवश्यकता होती है।

(The yield has a direct relationship with the amount of starch. Increasing the amount of starch increases the yield. The reason for this is that the cost of starch synthesis is low. Less photosynthesis is required.)

d. ताप  सूखा रोधिता (Heat and Drought Resistance):-

·  38°से अधिक तापमान पर परागकणों की जीवन क्षमता में कमी  जाती है।

(At temperatures above 38 ° C, the viability of pollens decreases.)

·  सूखे की स्थिति में भुट्टे की लंबाई में वृद्धि की दर में कमी  जाती है। जब तक भुट्टा निकलता है तब तक   परागकण खत्म हो चुके होते हैं।

(The rate of increase in cob length decreases in drought conditions. By the time cob comes out, pollens are over.)

·  इसलिए मक्के में ताप रोधी  सूखा रोधी क़िस्मों का निर्माण होना चाहिए।

(Therefore, temperature resistant and drought resistant varieties should be developed in maize crop.)

e. रोग रोधिता (Disease Resistance):- 

मक्के की फसल में कई प्रकार रोग उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं जो आर्थिक नुकसान कर सकते हैं। इन रोगों के प्रति   रोधिता उत्पन्न करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Several types of diseases can occur in the maize crop which can cause economic loss. Developing resistance against these diseases is also objective of plant breeding.)

i. Leaf Spot

ii. Leaf Blight

iii. Downy Mildew

iv. Rust

v. Sheath Blight

f. कीट रोधिता (Insect Resistance):- 

मक्के की फसल को कई प्रकार के कीट क्षति पहुंचा सकते हैं जो आर्थिक नुकसान करते हैं। इन कीटों के प्रति   रोधिता उत्पन्न करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Several types of insect pests can cause damage to the maize crop which leads to economic loss. Hence one objective is to generate resistance against these insect pests.)

i. Stem Borer

ii. Cut Worm

iii. Shoot Fly

iv. Leaf Roller

v. Aphids

vi. Grass Hopper

7.प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding Methods):-

a. पुर:स्थापन (Introduction):-

·  Eto Amarillo (मैक्सिको से भारत)

(From Mexico to India)

b. किस्म संकरण (Variety):-

·  देशी किस्म बासी’ का पुर:स्थापित किस्म ‘Eto Amarillo’ से संकरण करवाकर उन्नत किस्म विक्रम’ को   विकसित किया गया।

(The improved variety 'Vikram' was developed by hybridizing the native variety 'basi' with the introduced variety 'Eto Amarillo'.)

c. द्विसंकर संकरण (Double Cross Hybridization):-

·  पंजाब संकर – 1 (Punjab Hybrid - 1)

·  पंजाब संकर – 3 (Punjab Hybrid - 3)

·   गंगा – 1 (Ganga - 1)

·  गंगा – 101 (Ganga - 101)

·  दक्कन (Deccan)

·  रंजीत (Ranjit)

d. समिश्र किस्में (Composite Varieties):-

·  किसान (Kisan)

·  अम्बर (Amber)

·   जवाहर (Jawahar)

·   सोना (Sona)

·   विजय (Vijay)

·  प्रोटीना (Proteina)

·   रतन (Ratan)

·   शक्ति (Shakti)

·   विकास (Vikas)

·   नवजोत (Navjot)

·   धवल (Dhawal)

·   रेनुका (Renuka)

·   NLD