Mung Crop Improvement

UPDATED ON:- 01-07-2023
मूंग फसल उन्नयन (Mung Crop Improvement):-

1. परिचय (Introduction):-

·         सामान्य नाम:- मूंगहरा चना 

(Common Names:- Mung, Mungbean, Green Gram)

·         वानस्पतिक नाम:- Vigna radiata

(Botanical Name:- Vigna radiata)

प्रारम्भ में मूंग का वानस्पतिक नाम Phaseolus aureus था जिसे बाद में Wilczek ने बदलकर Vigna radiata कर दिया।

(Initially mung's botanical name was Phaseolus aureus, which was later changed to Vigna radiata by Wilczek.)

·         कुल:- लेग्यूमिनोसी या फैबेसी

(Family:- Leguminosae or Fabaceae)

·     उपकुल:- पैपिलिओनेसी

(Sub family:- Pepilionaceae)

·         गुणसूत्र संख्या:- 2n = 2x = 22

(Chromosome Numbers:- 2n = 2x = 22)

·         मूंग के पौधे का मूलतंत्र गहरा होता है जो मृदा कणों को बाँधे रखने का कार्य करता है। इस प्रकार यह मृदा अपर्दन को रोकता है।

(The root system of moong plant is deep which acts to bind soil particles. Thus it prevents soil erosion.)

2. उत्पत्ति केन्द्र (Center of origin):-

·         मूंग की उत्पत्ति भारत में हुई।

(Moong is the origin of India.)

·         एक जंगली पूर्वज Vigna radiata var. sublobata से कृष्य जाति की उत्पत्ति हुई है।

(Cultivated species is originated from a wild ancestor Vigna radiata var. sublobata.)

3. उपजातियाँ (Sub-species):- बोस (1932) के अनुसार Vigna radiata को आगे 40 विभिन्न प्रकारों में विभाजित   किया जा सकता है। यह वर्गीकरण पर्ण के आकारपुष्प के रंगपॉड के रंग  बीज के रंग के आधार पर किया   जाता है। इनमें निम्न लक्षण या भिन्नताएँ पायी जाती हैं -

(According to Bose (1932) Vigna radiata can be further divided into 40 different types. This classification is based on the shape of the leaf, the color of the flower, the color of the pod, and the color of the seed. The following characters or differences are found in them-)

S. No.

लक्षण (Character)

भिन्नता (Variation)


पुष्प का रंग (Flower Colour)

हल्का पीला जैतूनी (Light yellowish - olive),

जैतूनी पीला (Olive yellow)


पॉड का रंग (Pod Colour)

लौह धूसर (Iron grey),

जैतूनी धूसर (Olive grey),

तंबाकू का रंग (Snuff)


बीज का रंग (Seed Colour)

हरा (Green),

काला (Black),

भूरा (Brown),

पीला (Yellow)


बीज की सतह (Seed surface)

मन्द (Dull),

चमकदार (Shining)

4. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-

·         मूंग एकवर्षीय पौधा है जिसकी ऊंचाई 45 – 60 cm होती है।

(Mung is an annual plant with a height of 45 - 60 cm.)

·         मूंग में Raceme पुष्पक्रम होता है जिसमें  10 – 20 पुष्पों का एक गुच्छा पर्ण के कक्ष में पाया जाता है। जैसा कि नीचे diagram में प्रदर्शित किया गया है।

(The mung has raceme inflorescence in which a cluster of 10 - 20 flowers is found in the leaf axis. As shown in the diagram below.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प द्विलिंगीवृन्तीय  एकव्याससममित होता है।

(Each flower is bisexual, pedicellate and zygomorphic.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 5 हरे रंग के बाह्यदल होते हैं जो आपस में जुड़े रहते हैं।

(Each flower has 5 green sepals which are fused.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में पीले रंग के 5 दल होते हैं जो ध्वजीय दलविन्यास प्रदर्शित करते हैं। दल 3 प्रकार के होते हैं –

i. ध्वज (Vexillum, Standard):- ऊपरी 1 बड़ा दल (Upper 1 large petal)

ii. पक्ष (Wing):- पार्श्वीय मध्यम दल (2 lateral medium petals)

iii. नोतल (Keel, Carina):- निचले 2 छोटे दल जिनके अंदर पुंकेसर  स्त्रीकेसर बन्द रहते हैं। इस अवस्था में स्वपरागण होता है जिसे निमिलित परागण कहते हैं।

(The lower 2 small petals inside which stamens and carpels remain enclosed. In this stage, self-pollination occurs, which is called cleistogamy.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 10 पुंकेसर होते हैं जो 9 + 1 के दो समूहों में पाये जाते है। अर्थात पुंकेसर द्विसंघी होते हैं।

(Each flower has 10 stamens which are found in two groups of 9 + 1. That is, stamens are diadelphous.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 1 अण्डप होता है जिसमें 7 से 11 बीजाण्ड सीमान्त बीजाण्डन्यास में पाये जाते है। इसकी वर्तिकाग्र रोमीय  सर्पिलाकार कुण्डलित होती है।

(Each flower has 1 carpel, in which 7 to 11 ovules are found in marginal placentation. Its stigma is hairy and spirally coiled.)

·     पुष्पचित्र (Floral Diagram):-

·         परागण (Pollination):-

Ø  प्राकृतिक रूप से मूंग एक स्वपरागित फसल है।

(Naturally, mung is a self-pollinated crop.)

Ø  मूंग में पुष्प सुबह 6 से 8 बजे के मध्य खुलते हैं और सुबह 11 बजे तक खुले रहते हैं।

(Flowers in mung open between 6 am to 8 am and remain opened till 11 am.)

Ø  परागकोषों का स्फुटन रात को 9 बजे होता है और सुबह 3 बजे तक स्फुटन पूर्ण हो जाता है।

(The dehiscence of the anthers occurs at 9 o'clock at night and the dehiscence is complete by 3 o'clock in the morning.)

Ø  मूंग के पुष्पों में निमिलित परागण पाया जाता है अर्थात पुंकेसर  स्त्रीकेसर दोनों पुष्प में बन्द होते हैं। इसलिए 100% स्वपरागण होता है।

(The cleistogamy is found in the flowers of mung, that is, both the stamens and carpels remain enclosed in petals of the flower. Therefore there is 100% self-pollination.)

·         फल (Fruit):- पॉड या लैग्यूम (Pod or Legumeजो 6 – 10 cm लम्बे होते हैं। एक पॉड में 7 – 11 बीज होते हैं। बीज गहरे हरे रंग के होते हैं।

(Pod or Legume which are 6 - 10 cm long. A pod contains 7 - 11 seeds. The seeds are dark green in colour.)

5. प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objectives):-

a. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- मूंग में उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है-

(The yield in mung depends on the following factors-)

i. प्रति पौधा पोड्स की संख्या

(Number of pods per plant)

ii. प्रति पॉड बीजों की संख्या

(Number of seeds per pod)

iii. पॉड का आकार

(Size of pod)

iv. बीज का आकार

(Size of seed)

b. विभिन्न परिपक्वन काल (Different maturity duration):-

Ø  शुष्क कृषि के लिए मध्यम परिपक्वन काल  उच्च उपज वाली क़िस्मों को विकसित करना।

(To develop medium maturity period and high yielding varieties for dry farming.)

Ø  सींचित क्षेत्रों के लिए लघु परिपक्वन काल  उच्च उपज वाली क़िस्मों को विकसित करना।

(To develop short maturity period and high yielding varieties for irrigated areas.)

Ø  जल भराव क्षेत्रों के लिए लघु परिपक्वन काल  उच्च उपज वाली क़िस्मों को विकसित करना।

(To develop short maturity period and high yielding varieties for waterlogged areas.)

c. रोग रोधिता (Diease Resistance):-

मूंग की फसल में कई प्रकार रोग उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं जो आर्थिक नुकसान कर सकते हैं। इन रोगों के प्रति रोधिता उत्पन्न करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Several types of diseases can occur in the mung crop which can cause economic loss. Developing resistance against these diseases is also objective of plant breeding.)

i. Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus:- यह गंभीर रोग है।

(This is a serious disease)

ii. Mosaic mottle virus

iii. Leaf Crinkle Virus

ivLeaf Curl Virus

v. Seed and Seedling rot

vi. Cercospora Leaf Spot

vii. Powdery mildew

viii. Anthracnose

d. कीट रोधिता (Insect resistance):-

मूंग की फसल को कई प्रकार के कीट क्षति पहुंचा सकते हैं जो आर्थिक नुकसान करते हैं। इन कीटों के प्रति रोधिता उत्पन्न करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Several types of insect pests can cause damage to the mung crop which leads to economic loss. Hence one objective is to generate resistance against these insect pests.)

i. White fly:- यह Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus  Leaf Crinkle Virus के लिए वाहक का कार्य करती है।

(It acts as a vector for Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus and Leaf Crinkle Virus.)

ii. Leaf eating caterpillar

iii. Hairy caterpillar

iv. Semilooper

v. Tobacco caterpillar

vi. Aphids

vii. Jassids

viii. Pod borer

e. अच्छी गुणवत्ता (Better Quality):-

Ø  मूंग के बीजों में 25% प्रोटीन होती है।

(Mung seeds contain 25% protein.)

Ø  सभी लेग्यूम्स में से मूंग की पाचनशीलता सर्वाधिक होती है।

(Mung has the highest digestibility of all legumes.)

Ø  उच्च मेथिओनिन अंश को उड़द से मूंग में स्थानांतरित करना।

(Transfer of high methionine content from urd to mung.)

Ø  उच्च dhall recovery – 80% और अधिक

(High dhall recovery - 80% and above)

Ø  कम कठोर बीज

(Low hard seed)

f. अविशरण (Non-shattering)

g. उच्च प्रकाश संश्लेषण क्षमता (High photosynthetic capacity)

6. प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding Methods):-

a. पुर:स्थापन (Introduction):-

b. शुद्ध वंशक्रम वरण (Pure line Selection):- 

स्थानीय किस्मों में शुद्ध वंशक्रम वरण द्वारा मूंग की अनेक किस्मों को विकसित किया गया है।

(Several varieties of mung have been developed by pure line selection in local varieties.)

·         Type 1

·         BR 2

·         Amrit

·         Krishna 11

·         RS 4

·         Co 1, 2, 3

·         Panna (B105)

·         G 65

·         Gujarat 1, 2

·         Shining mung 1

·         PS - 16

c. संकरण (Hybridization):-

·         Jawahar 45

·         K – 851

·         KM – 1

·         ML – 1, 5, 131, 267

·         Mohini

·         Pant mung 1

·         Sabarmati

·         T 44, 55

d. उत्परिवर्तन प्रजनन (Mutation Breeding):-

·         मूंग की फसल में विविधता को बढ़ाने की लिए भी इस विधि का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(This method is also used to increase diversity in mung crops.)

·         रासायनिक  भौतिक उत्परिवर्तनजन दोनों उपयोगी होते हैं।

(Both chemical and physical mutagens are useful.)

·         पर्णहरित  जीवनक्षम उत्परिवर्तकों को उत्प्रेरित करने के लिए रासायनिक उत्परिवर्तनजन की तुलना में गामा किरने अधिक प्रभावी होती हैं।

(Gamma rays are more effective than chemical mutagens for inducing chlorophyll and viable mutants.)

e. आदर्श पादप प्रारूप के लिए प्रजनन (Breeding for ideal plant type):- 

एक आदर्श मूंग पादप प्रारूप में निम्न गुण पाये जाते हैं –

(The following characters are found in an ideal mung plant type -)

S. No.

लक्षण (Character)

मात्रा (Content)


परिपक्वन काल

(Maturation period)

ग्रीष्म (Summer) = 60 – 65 दिन (days)

बसन्त (Spring) = 60 – 90 दिन (days)

खरीफ (Kharif) = 90 – 120 दिन (days)


वृद्धि स्वभाव

(Growth habit)

ग्रीष्म (Summer) निर्धारित (Determined)

बसन्त (Spring) = निर्धारित (Determined)

खरीफ (Kharif) = अर्धनिर्धारित से अनिर्धारित

(Semi-determined to undetermined)


प्रति पॉड बीजों की संख्या

(Number of seeds per pod)

अधिक (More)

खरीफ (Kharif) = 8 – 10 बीज (Seeds)


प्रति पौधा पोड्स की संख्या

(Number of pods per plant)

अधिक (More)


बीज भार (Seed weight)

35 – 40 ग्राम (gram)


पादप ऊंचाई (Plant height)

ग्रीष्म (Summer) = 50 – 60 cm

बसन्त (Spring) = 50 – 60 cm

खरीफ (Kharif) = 70 – 75 cm