Pearl millet Crop Improvement

बाजरा फसल उन्नयन (Pearl millet Crop Improvement):-

1. परिचय (Introduction):-

·         सामान्य नाम:- बाजरा

(Common Name:- Pearl millet)

·         वानस्पतिक नाम:- Pennisetum glaucum

(Botanical Name:- Pennisetum glaucum)

·     कुल:- ग्रेमिनी या पोएसी

(Family:- Gramineae or Poaceae)

·         गुणसूत्र संख्या:- 2n = 2x = 14

(Chromosome Numbers:- 2n = 2x = 14)

·         उत्पत्ति केन्द्र:- अफ्रीका का सहेल क्षेत्र

(Center of Origin:- Sahel zone of Africa)

2. जातियाँ (Species):-

3. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-

·         बाजरा का पुष्पक्रम एक संयुक्त शीर्षस्थ स्पाइक होता है जिसे पैनिकल कहते हैं। पैनिकल की लंबाई 25 – 30 cm  व्यास 7 – 9 cm होते हैं।

(The inflorescence of bajra is a compound apical spike called as panicle. Panicle is 25 - 30 cm in length and 7 - 9 cm in diameter.)

·         पुष्पक्रम में एक केंद्रीय रैकिस होता है जो रोमों द्वारा ढका रहता है।

(The inflorescence consists of a central rachis covered by hairs.)

·         बाजरे की प्रत्येक स्पाइक में अनेक फैसिकल्स अपने – अपने वृन्त के द्वारा रैकिस से जुड़ी हुई रहती हैं।

(In each spike of bajra, many fascicles are attached to the rachis through their respective stalks.)

·         प्रत्येक फैसिकल में 3 जोड़ी स्पाइकिकायें पायी जाती हैं जो ग्लूम्स द्वारा ढकी रहती हैं।

(In each fascicle, 3 pairs of spikelets are found, which are covered by glumes.)

·         प्रत्येक स्पाइकिका में 2 पुष्प होते हैं जिनमें से ऊपरी पुष्प द्विलिंगी तथा निचला पुष्प पुंकेसरी होता है।
(Each spikelet has 2 flowers, of which the upper one is bisexual and the lower one is staminate.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 2 ह्रासित परिदल होते हैं जिन्हें लोडिक्यूल्स कहते हैं।

(Each flower has 2 reduced tepals called as lodicules.)

·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 1 लेम्मा  1 पेलिया होते हैं।

(Each flower has 1 lemma and 1 palea.)

·         द्विलिंगी पुष्प में 3 पुंकेसर  1 अण्डप होते हैं। अण्डप में 1 बीजांड होता है।

(The bisexual flower has 3 stamens and 1 carpel. The carpel has 1 ovule.)

·         पुंकेसरी पुष्प में केवल 3 पुंकेसर ही होते हैं।

(The staminate flower has only 3 stamens.)

·     पुष्पचित्र (Floral Diagram):- 

·         परागण (Pollination):-

Ø  प्राकृतिक रूप से बाजरा एक परपरागित फसल है। इसमें वायु के द्वारा परागण होता है।
(Naturally bajra is a cross pollinated crop. It is pollinated by air.)

Ø  बाजरा में स्त्रीपूर्वता पाये जाने के कारण इसमें लगभग 80% परपरागण होता है  शेष 20% स्वपरागण होता है। इस प्रकार बाजरा एक परपरागित फसल है।

(Due to the presence of protogyny in bajra, about 80% cross pollination and the remaining 20% self-pollination takes place. Thus bajra is a cross-pollinated crop.)

Ø  पुष्पन पैनिकल के शीर्ष से 1/3 भाग नीचे से शुरू होता है तथा ऊपर  नीचे दोनों तरफ बढ़ता है।

(Flowering start from the 1/3 part below of the top of the panicle and progresses on both the upper and the lower directions.)

Ø  द्विलिंगी पुष्प में वर्तिकाग्र पहले निकलती है  2 – 3 दिनों में पुष्पन पूर्ण हो जाता है। इसके पश्चात परागकोष बाहर निकल आते हैं  इसे प्रथम नर प्रावस्था कहते हैं।

(In bisexual flowers, the stigma comes first and the flowering is completed in 2 - 3 days. After this, the anther comes out and it is called the first male phase.)

Ø  पुष्पन के 5वें दिन पुंकेसरी पुष्प के परागकोष बाहर निकल आते हैं  इसे द्वितीयक नर प्रावस्था कहते हैं।

(On the 5th day of flowering, the anthers of the stamens come out and this is called the secondary male phase.)

Ø  पुष्पन का समय 8pm से 2am के मध्य होता है।

(The flowering time is between 8pm to 2am.)

·         फल (Fruit):- कैरिओप्सिस (इसमें बीजचोल  फलभित्ति आपस में संलयित होते हैं।

[Caryopsis (In this seed coat and fruit wall are fused with each other.)]

4. प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objectives):-

a. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- बाजरा में उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है-

(Yield in bajra depends on the following factors-)

i. पैनिकल की लंबाई (Length of panicles)

ii. पैनिकल की संहतता (Compactness of panicle)

iii. 1000 दानों का भार (Weight of 1000 grains)

b. शीघ्र परिपक्वन (Early maturation)

c. प्रकाश असंवेदिता (Photoinsensitivity)

d. अधिक चारा उपज (Higher Forage Yield):- बाजरा में चारे की उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है –

(The yield of fodder in bajra depends on the following factors -)

i. पर्णमयता (Leafyness)

ii. पाचनशीलता (Digestibility)

iii. चारे की गुणवत्ता (Forage Quality)

e. रोग रोधिता (Disease Resistance):-

बाजरा की फसल में कई प्रकार रोग उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं जो आर्थिक नुकसान कर सकते हैं। इस रोगों के प्रति   रोधिता उत्पन्न करना एक उद्देश्य रहता है।

(Several types of diseases can occur in the bajra crop which can cause economic loss. Developing resistance against these diseases is also objective of plant breeding.)

i. Downy mildew

ii. Ergot disease

iii. Green Ear disease

iv. Rust disease

नोट:- बाजरे की फसल में नाशी कीटों से कोई समस्या नहीं होती है।

(Note: - There is no problem of destructive insects in bajra crop.)

f. दानों की गुणवत्ता (Grain Quality):- 

बड़ेचमकीलेमोती जैसे एम्बर दाने मानव उपभोग के लिए वांछनीय होते हैं।

(Large, shiny, pearl-like amber grains are desirable for human consumption.)

5. प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding Methods):-

a. पुर:स्थापन (Introduction):-

·         Jamnagar Giant

·         Babapuri

·         Pusa moti

b. समूह वरण (Mass Selection):-

·         NO – 37, 54, 59

·         CO – 2, 3

·         AKP – 1, 2

c. संश्लिष्ट  समिश्र किस्में (Synthetic and Composite Varieties):-

·         Synthetic (संश्लिष्ट):- ICMS – 7703

·         Composite (समिश्र):- ICMV – 1

d. किस्म संकरण (Variety Hybridization):- भारतीय किस्मों का अफ्रीकी किस्मों से संकरण कराकर AF – 3  – 530 किस्मों की विकसित किया गया है।

(AF-3 and S-530 varieties have been developed by hybridising Indian varieties with African varieties.)

e. दूरस्थ संकरण (Distant Hybridization):-

·         Pennisetum perpureum (नेपियर घासका कृष्य बाजरे से संकरण द्वारा चारे की बहुवर्षीय किस्में विकसित की गयी हैं।

(Perennial varieties of fodder have been developed by hybridisation of Pennisetum perpureum (Napier grass) with cultivated bajra.)

·         Pennisetum squamulatum का कृष्य बाजरे से संकरण द्वारा बहुवर्षीय  पाला रोधी किस्मों का निर्माण किया गया है।

(Perennial and frost resistant varieties have been developed by hybridisation of Pennisetum squamulatum with cultivated bajra.)

·         Pennisetum orientale का कृष्य बाजरे से संकरण द्वारा असंगजन्य किस्मों को विकसित किया गया है।

(Apomictic varieties have been developed by hybridisation of Pennisetum orientale with cultivated bajra.)

f. संकर किस्में (Hybrid Varieties):- मादा जनक के रूप में बाजरा की CMS – line Tift – 23का विभिन्न नर जनकों से संकरण कराकर 5 संकर किस्मों को विकसित किया गया था।

[5 hybrid varieties of millet were developed by hybridizing CMS - line Tift - 23A (as a female parent), with different male parents.]

S. No.

नर जनक (Male Parent)

मादा जनक (Female Parent)

संकर किस्म (Hybrid Variety)


BIL – 35

Tift – 23A

HB – 1


J – 188

Tift – 23A

HB – 2


J – 104

Tift – 23A

HB – 3


K – 560

Tift – 23A

HB – 4


K - 559

Tift – 23A

HB – 5

·         उपरोक्त पाँचों Downy mildew के प्रति संवेदी किस्में हैं।

(The above five varieties are sensitive to downy mildew.)

·         उपरोक्त पाँचों क़िस्मों को 1965 से 1972 के मध्य विमोचित किया गया था।

(The above five varieties were released between 1965 and 1972.)

·         इनमें से HB – 3 किस्म काफी लोकप्रिय हो गयी थी।

(Of these, the HB-3 variety became quite popular.)

·         अन्य किस्में (Other varieties):-

i. NHB – 3

ii. NHB – 4

उपरोक्त दोनों Downy mildew के प्रति रोधी किस्में हैं। 

(Both of the above are downy mildew resistant varieties.)

Sample Link


How to Purchase? (कैसे खरीदें?)

i. Make Payment (भुगतान करें):- Scan and Pay money as given in price index according to requirement.

(स्कैन करें और आवश्यकतानुसार price index में दी गयी राशि का भुगतान करें।)

ii. Place Order (ऑर्डर दें):- Give your details by click on the link given.

(नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके विवरण दें।)

iii. Accept Invitation (आमंत्रण स्वीकार करें):- After successful payment an invitation from AGRICULTURE BOTANY will be sent to email id of student given in above link. Open the email and accept the invitation by clicking on it.

(सफल भुगतान के बाद उपरोक्त लिंक में दिए गए छात्र की Email पर AGRICULTURE BOTANY की ओर से एक निमंत्रण भेजा जाएगा। ईमेल खोलें और उस पर क्लिक करके निमंत्रण स्वीकार करें।)

iv. Get Activated links (सक्रिय लिंक प्राप्त करें):- After you accept the invitation, you will get an active link of solved old papers on your gmail id. OR Text me on my WhatsApp number and get link.

(आपके निमंत्रण स्वीकार करने के बाद आपको अपनी gmail id पर solved old papers का सक्रिय प्राप्त हो होगा। या मुझे मेरे WhatsApp Number पर मैसेज भेजकर link प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।)



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