Gram Crop Improvement

चना फसल उन्नयन (Gram Crop Improvement):-
1. परिचय (Introduction):-
·  सामान्य नाम:- चना
(Common Name:- Gram)
·  वानस्पतिक नाम:- Cicer arietinum
(Botanical Name:- Cicer arietinum)
·  कुल:- लेग्युमिनोसी या फैबेसी
(Family:- Leguminosae or Fabaceae)
·  उपकुल:- पेपीलिओनेसी
(Sub family:- Papilionaceae)
·  गुणसूत्र संख्या:- 2n = 2x = 16
(Chromosome Numbers:- 2n = 2x = 16)
2. जातियाँ (Species):- चने की कुल 40 जातियाँ हैं। इनमें से एक जाति कृष्य  शेष जातियाँ जंगली होती हैं।
(There are a total 40 species of gram. One of these species is cultivated and the remaining species are wild.)
3. प्रकार (Types):- कृष्य चना दो प्रकार का होता है –
(There are two types of cultivated gram -)
i. देशी चना (Desi gram):- इसके बीज छोटे  काले होते हैं। इसकी खेती भारत में की जाती है।
(Its seeds are small and black. It is cultivated in India.)
ii. काबुली चना (Kabuli gram):- इसके बीज बड़े  क्रीम रंग के होते हैं। इसकी खेती अफगानिस्तान में की जाती है।
(Its seeds are large and cream colored. It is cultivated in Afghanistan.)
4. उत्पत्ति केंद्र (Center of Origin):-
·   चने का उत्पत्ति केंद्र दक्षिण पूर्वी टर्की  सीरिया को माना जाता है।
(The center of origin of gram is considered to be the southeast of Turkey and Syria.)
·   जंगली जाति Cicer reticulatum से चने की कृष्य जाति Cicer arietinum की उत्पत्ति हुई जो देशी चना कहलाता है।
(The cultivated species of gram Cicer arietinum is considered to be originated from the wild species Cicer reticulatum, which is called as desi gram.)
·  देशी चने से वरण  संकरण द्वारा काबुली चने को विकसित किया गया है।
(Kabuli gram has been developed by selection and hybridization from desi gram.)
5. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-
·  चने में Cymose पुष्पक्रम होता है जिसमें एकल कक्षस्थ पुष्प पर्ण के कक्ष में पाया जाता है। पुष्प तने के निचले भाग में जमीन के पास स्थित पत्तियों के कक्ष में बनते हैं। जैसा कि नीचे diagram में प्रदर्शित किया गया है।

(Gram have Cymose inflorescence in which a solitary axillary flower is found in the leaf axis. The flowers form in the axis of leaves located near the ground at the bottom of the stem. As shown in the diagram below.)

·  प्रत्येक पुष्प द्विलिंगीवृन्तीय  एकव्याससममित होता है।

(Each flower is bisexual, pedicellate and zygomorphic.)

·  प्रत्येक पुष्प में 5 हरे रंग के बाह्यदल होते हैं जो आपस में जुड़े रहते हैं।

(Each flower has 5 green sepals which are fused.)

·  प्रत्येक पुष्प में सलेटी बैंगनी रंग के 5 दल होते हैं जो ध्वजीय दलविन्यास प्रदर्शित करते हैं। दल 3 प्रकार के होते हैं 

(Each flower has 5 petals of orange-yellow color representing the vexillary aestivation. There are 3 types of petals -)

i. ध्वज (Vexillum, Standard):- ऊपरी 1 बड़ा दल

(Upper large petal)

ii. पक्ष (Wing):- पार्श्वीय मध्यम दल

(Lateral medium petals)

iii. नोतल (Keel, Carina):- निचले 2 छोटे दल जिनके अंदर पुंकेसर  स्त्रीकेसर बन्द रहते हैं। इस अवस्था में स्वपरागण होता है जिसे निमिलित परागण कहते हैं।

(The lower 2 small petals inside which stamens and carpel remain enclosed. In this condition, self-pollination occurs, which is called cleistogamy.)

·  प्रत्येक पुष्प में 10 पुंकेसर होते हैं जो 9 + 1 के दो समूहों में पाये जाते है। अर्थात पुंकेसर द्विसंघी होते हैं।

(Each flower has 10 stamens which are found in two groups of 9 + 1. It means stamens are diadelphous.)

·  प्रत्येक पुष्प में 1 अण्डप होता है जिसमें 2 से 3 बीजाण्ड सीमान्त बीजाण्डन्यास में पाये जाते है।

(Each flower has 1 carpel, in which 2 to 3 ovules are found in marginal placentation.)

·  पुष्पचित्र (Floral Diagram):- 

·  परागण (Pollination):-

Ø  प्राकृतिक रूप से चना एक स्वपरागित फसल है।

(Naturally, gram is a self-pollinated crop.)

Ø  चने के पुष्पों में निमिलित परागण पाया जाता है अर्थात पुंकेसर  स्त्रीकेसर दोनों पुष्प में बन्द होते हैं। इसलिए 100% स्वपरागण होता है।

(Cleistogamy is found in gram flowers i.e. both stamens and carpel are enclosed in flowers. Therefore there is 100% self-pollination.)

·  फल (Fruit):- पॉड या लैग्यूम (Pod or Legume)। चने के लेग्यूम में 2 या 3 बीज होते हैं। ऐसे लेग्यूम को पॉड कहते हैं।

(Pod or Legume. The legume of gram has 2 or 3 seeds. Such a legume is called a pod.)

6. प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objective):-

a. उच्च उपज (High Yield):- चने में उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है –

(The yield in gram depends on the following factors -)

i. प्रति पौधा फलियों की संख्या

(Number of pods per plant)

ii. प्रति फली बीजों की संख्या

(Number of seeds per pod)

iii. 100 बीजों का भार

(Weight of 100 seeds)

b. पादप लक्षण (Plant characters):-

i. जैवभार (Biomass):- बढ़ाना (To increase)

ii. लंबा पौधा (Tallness):- बढ़ाना (To increase)

iii. सीधा खड़ा पादप (Erectness)

iv. सघन (Compact)

c. रोग रोधिता (Disease Resistance):-

Ø  Fusarium wilt

Ø  Ascophyta blight

Ø  Botrytis grey mold

Ø  Dry root rot

Ø  Collar rot

Ø  Stemphyllium

Ø  Stunt (वृद्धि रोध)

Ø  Phyllody (पर्णाभता)

d. कीट रोधिता (Insect Resistance):-

i. Pod Borer (फली छेदक):-

Ø  Helicoverpa armigera मुख्य चना कीट है।

(Helicoverpa armigera is the main gram insect.)

Ø  इसकी रोकथाम के लिए BT – चने के विकास का प्रयास किया जा रहा है।

(To prevent this, efforts are being made to develop BT-gram.)

ii. Pod fly (फली मक्खी)

e. अजैविक प्रतिबल रोधिता (Resistance or Tolerance to abiotic stress):-

Ø  शीत (Cold)

Ø  ऊष्मा (Heat)

Ø  सूखा (Drought)

Ø  लवणता (Salinity)

Ø  क्षारकता (Alkalinity)

Ø  दीप्तिकालिता (Photoperiodism)

Ø  लौह हरित रोग (Iron chlorosis)

f. गुणवत्ता (Quality):-

i. पकाने की गुणवत्ता (Cooking quality)

ii. प्रोटीन की गुणवत्ता  प्रतिशत (Protein quality and percentage)

7. प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding methods):-

a. पुर:स्थापन (Introduction):- तुर्की से चने की एक किस्म को पुर:स्थापित किया गया था जिसमें वरण के द्वारा G109-1 किस्म को विकसित किया गया है।

(A variety of gram was introduced from Turkey, from which G109-1 variety has been developed by selection.)

b. शुद्ध वंशक्रम वरण (Pure line Selection):-

Ø  B – 168

Ø  NP – 17, 25, 58

Ø  Jyoti

Ø  Ujjain – 1

c. उत्परिवर्तन प्रजनन (Mutation Breeding):-

Ø  BGM – 408, 413, 417

Ø  RSG – 2

Ø  R – 11

d. अंतरा – किस्मीय संकरण (Inter – varietal Hybridization):-

Ø  C – 214, 235

Ø  Gourav

Ø  Pusa – 209, 212, 240

Ø  देशी  काबुली चने के संकरण से अनेक नई किस्में विकसित की गई हैं –

(Many new varieties have been developed by hybridization between Desi and Kabuli gram -)

i. देशी चने की किस्में (Varieties of Desi gram):- Pusa – 244, 256, 261

ii. काबुली चने की किस्में (Varieties of Kabuli gram):- L – 104, 144, 550

e. दूरस्थ संकरण (Distant Hybridization):- कृष्य जाति Cicer arietinum का क्रॉस जंगली जाति Cicer reticulatum से कराकर अधिक उपज वाले संकर विकसित किए गए हैं।

(High yielding hybrids have been developed by crossing of the cultivated Cicer arietinum with the wild species Cicer reticulatum.)