Advances in Hybrid Seed Production of Sunflower Crop

UPDATED ON:- 01-01-2024
Advances in Hybrid Seed Production of Sunflower Crop:-
परिचय (Introduction):-
·         सूरजमुखी एक परपरागित फसल है जिसमें मधु मक्खियों के द्वारा कीट परागण होता है।
(Sunflower is a cross pollinated crop in which insect pollination is done by honey bees.)
·         सूरजमुखी में पुष्पक्रम को कैपिटुलम या Head कहते हैं।
(The inflorescence in sunflower is called Capitulum or Head.)
·         पुष्पक्रम में 2 प्रकार के पुष्प पाये जाते हैं:-
(There are 2 types of flowers are found in the inflorescence: -)
i. Ray florets:- ये कैपिटुलम की परिधि पर उपस्थित मादा या बंध्य पुष्प होते हैं।
(These are the female or sterile flowers present on the periphery of the capitulum.)
ii. Disc florets:- ये कैपिटुलम के केंद्र में उपस्थित द्विलिंगी पुष्प होते हैं।
(These are bisexual flowers present in the center of the capitulum.)
·         5 – 10 दिनों में पुष्पन पूर्ण हो जाता है।
(Flowering is complete in 5 - 10 days.)
·         परागकण 12 घण्टे तक जीवित रहते हैं।
(Pollens survive for up to 12 hours.)
·         एंथेसिस सुबह 5 – 8 बजे के मध्य होता है। पुष्प के खुले रहने की प्रक्रिया को एंथेसिस कहते हैं।
(Anthesis occurs between 5 - 8 am. The process of flower opening is called anthesis.)
संकर बीज उत्पादन (Hybrid Seed Production):-
·         सूरजमुखी में संकर बीज उत्पादन के लिए तीन वंशक्रम तन्त्र का उपयोग किया जाता है। इस विधि में 3   प्रकार के वंशक्रम उपयोग किए जाते हैं –
(Three line system is used for hybrid seed production in Sunflower. There are 3 types of lines used in this method -)
i. A – line (नर बंध्य वंशक्रम)

[Male Sterile Line]

ii. B – line (अनुरक्षक वंशक्रम)

[Maintainer Line]

iii. R – line (पुन: स्थापक वंशक्रम)

[Restorer Line]

·         तीन वंशक्रम विधि द्वारा सूरजमुखी में संकर बीज उत्पादन के लिए CGMS का उपयोग किया जाता है।

(CGMS is used for hybrid seed production in sunflower by the three-line system.)

·         संकर बीज उत्पादन के 2 मुख्य चरण हैं –

(There are 2 main steps of hybrid seed production -)

1. जनक वंशक्रमों का अनुरक्षण (Maintenance of Parental Lines)

2. वाणिज्यिक संकर बीज उत्पादन (Commercial Hybrid Seed Production)

1. जनक वंशक्रमों का अनुरक्षण(Maintenance of Parental Lines):- 

इसमें जनक वंशक्रमों का आधार बीज उत्पादन किया जाता है।

(In this, the foundation seed production of parental lines is done.)

a. A – line का अनुरक्षण (Maintenance of A - line):-

Ø  इसके लिए A – line का क्रॉस B – line से कराया जाता है।

(For this, the cross of A-line is done with B-line.)

Ø  सूरजमुखी की अन्य किस्म के प्लॉट से 600 मीटर पृथक्करण दूरी रखी जाती है।

(600 m isolation distance is maintained from plots of other varieties of Sunflower.)

Ø  नर  मादा जनक पंक्तियों का अनुपात (B : A) 1 : 3 रखा जाता है। प्लॉट के चारों ओर नर जनक पौधों   (B - line) की 2 सीमान्त पंक्तियाँ उगाई जाती हैं।

[The ratio of male and female parent rows (B: A) is kept 1 : 3. Two border rows of male parent plants (B - line) are grown around the plot.]

Ø  दोनों A  B – lines समजीनी होती हैं जिससे दोनों में एक ही समय पर पुष्पन होता है। अर्थात यहाँ पुष्पन   तुल्यकालिक होता है।

(Both A and B - lines are isogenic, so that both lines flowers at the same time. That is, the flowering here is synchronous.)

Ø  भौतिक मिश्रण से बचाव के लिए नर जनक पंक्तियों (B - line) को पहले काटकर हटा दिया जाता है। बाद में परिपक्वता के पश्चात बीज केवल A – line पंक्तियों के पौधों से ही एकत्रित किए जाते हैं जो A – line वंशक्रम को दर्शाते हैं।

(The male parent lines (B - line) are first harvested and removed to avoid physical mixing. After maturation, the seeds are collected only from plants of the A-line rows that represent the A-line.)

b. B – line का अनुरक्षण (Maintenance of B - line):- 

इसका अनुरक्षण सामान्य किस्म के समान पृथककृत खेत में उगाकर किया जाता है। पृथक्करण दूरी 600 मीटर   रखी जाती है। परिपक्वता के पश्चात बीजों को एकत्रित कर लिया जाता है।

(It is maintained by growing in an isolated field just like the normal variety. The isolation distance is kept 600 meters. The seeds are collected after maturity.)

c. R – line का अनुरक्षण (Maintenance of R - line):- 

इसका अनुरक्षण भी सामान्य किस्म के समान पृथककृत खेत में उगाकर किया जाता है। पृथक्करण दूरी   600 मीटर रखी जाती है। परिपक्वता के पश्चात बीजों को एकत्रित कर लिया जाता है।

(It is also maintained by growing in an isolated field just like the normal variety. The isolation distance is kept 600 meters. The seeds are collected after maturity.)

2. वाणिज्यिक संकर बीज उत्पादन (Commercial Hybrid Seed Production):- 

इसमें संकर प्रमाणीकृत बीज का उत्पादन किया जाता है।

(Hybrid certified seeds are produced in this step.)

Ø  इसके लिए A – line का क्रॉस R – line से कराया जाता है।

(For this, the cross of A-line is done with R-line.)

Ø  सूरजमुखी की अन्य किस्म के प्लॉट से 400 मीटर पृथक्करण दूरी रखी जाती है।

(Isolation distance of 400 m is kept from plots other varieties of Sunflower.)

Ø  रोपण अनुपात (Planting Ratio):- नर  मादा जनक पंक्तियों का अनुपात (R : A) 1 : 3 रखा जाता है। प्लॉट के चारों ओर नर जनक पौधों (R – line) की 2 सीमान्त पंक्तियाँ उगाई जाती हैं।

(The ratio of male and female parent rows (R: A) is kept 1 : 3. Two border rows of male parent plants (R - line) are grown around the plot.)

Ø  संकर बीज एकत्रण (Hybrid Seed Collection):- भौतिक मिश्रण से बचाव के लिए नर जनक पंक्तियों   (R - line) को पहले काटकर हटा दिया जाता है। बाद में परिपक्वता के पश्चात केवल A - line पौधों से   बीज एकत्रित किए जाते हैं जो संकर बीज होते हैं।

(The male parent plant rows (R - line) are first harvested and removed to avoid physical mixing. After maturation, seeds are collected only from A-line plants which are hybrid seeds.)

Advances:- बाजार में उपलब्ध संकर बीज बहुत अधिक महंगा होता है क्योंकि इसका उत्पादन खर्च बहुत अधिक होता है। संकर बीज के मूल्य को कम करने के लिए संकर बीज उत्पादन में जिन उन्नत तकनीकों का उपयोग किया जाता है, Advances कहलाती हैं। इन तकनीकों के उपयोग से प्रकार से संकर बीज का मूल्य कम कर सकते हैं -

(Hybrid seed available in the market is very expensive because its production cost is high. Improved techniques, which are used in hybrid seed production to reduce the price of hybrid seeds are called Advances. By using these techniques we can reduce the price of hybrid seeds in 2 ways -)

i. उपज को बढ़ाकर (By increasing yield)

ii. उत्पादन खर्च को घटाकर (By reducing production cost)

1. Synchronization of flowering

2. Environmental Effect

3. Supplementary pollination

4. Nipping

5. Foliar spray

6. Irrigation

7. Planting ratio

1. Synchronization of flowering:-

·         सूरजमुखी एक प्रकाश उदासीन पादप या प्रकाश असंवेदी पादप है।

(Sunflower is a day neutral plant or photosensitive plant.)

·         सूरजमुखी एक लघुकालिक फसल है। एक वर्ष में इसकी 3 फसलें ले सकते हैं।

(Sunflower is a short duration crop. Its 3 crops can be taken in a year.)

·         नर  मादा जनक पौधों के पुष्पन में 2 – 6 दिन का अंतर होता है।

(There is a difference of 2 - 6 days in flowering of male and female parent plants.)

·         पुष्पन के तुल्यकालन के लिए 2 प्रयास कर सकते हैं:-

(For synchronization of flowering, we can make 2 efforts: -)

i. Staggered sowing:- नर जनक पौधों की बुवाई 2 – 6 दिन पहले करते हैं। इससे दोनों जनकों में पुष्पन एक ही समय पर होता है।

(Male parent plants are sown 2 - 6 days in advance. This causes flowering in both parents at the same time.)

ii. Summer sowing:- शीत ऋतु में बुवाई करने पर पुष्पन में 2 – 6 दिन का अंतर रहता है। जबकि ग्रीष्म ऋतु में मई के महीने में बुवाई करने पर पुष्पन का तुल्यकालन हो जाता है।

(There is a difference of 2 - 6 days in flowering when sowing is done in winter. While flowering is synchronized if sowing is done in the summer season in the month of May.)

2. Environmental Effect:- लम्बे दिनों में उचित तापमान पर बुवाई करने से पादप ऊंचाई  पत्तियों की संख्या बढ़ जाते हैं। इससे वृद्धि  उपज बढ़ जाते हैं।

(In long days sowing at the suitable temperature increases the plant height and the number of leaves. This increases growth and yield.)

3. Supplementary pollination:-

·         2 – 6 दिन का अंतर होने के कारण कीट केवल एक ही जनक पौधे पर भ्रमण कर पाता है। इससे परागण कम होता है और संकर बीज की उपज कम हो जाती है।

(Due to the difference of 2 - 6 days, the insect is able to visit only one parent plant. This reduces pollination and reduces the yield of hybrid seeds.)

·         संकर बीज की उपज को बढ़ाने के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि वही कीट R – line पौधे के पुष्पक्रम से A – line पौधे के पुष्पक्रम पर जाये।

(To increase the yield of hybrid seeds, it is necessary that the same insect travels from the inflorescence of the R-line plant to the inflorescence of the A-line plant.)

·         परागण को बढ़ाने के लिए 3 प्रयास किए जा सकते हैं:-

(3 efforts can be made to increase pollination: -)

i. December sowing:- इनमें पुष्पन मार्च के महीने में होता है। अधिक मधु मक्खियाँ पुष्पों पर भ्रमण करती है। इससे परागण बढ़ जाता है।

(Among these, flowering occurs in the month of March. More honey bees travel on the flowers. This increases pollination.)

ii. Bee Keeping:- सूरजमुखी में पुष्पन के दिनों में इसके आस पास मधुमक्खी पालन करना चाहिए। मधुमक्खी के छतों को संकर बीज खेत से 200 मीटर की दूरी पर 3 – 4 जगहों पर रखा जाना चाहिए। इससे परागण बढ़ जाता है।

(In sunflower, beekeeping should be done around it during the flowering days. Bee hives should be kept at 3 - 4 places at a distance of 200 meters from the hybrid seed field. This increases pollination.)

iii. Hand pollination:- अपनी हथेली को नर जनक पौधे के पुष्पक्रम से रगड़कर मादा जनक पौधे के पुष्पक्रम से रगड़ते हैं। ऐसा सुबह 5 – 8 बजे के मध्य प्रतिदिन या एक दिन के अंतराल पर करते हैं तथा 2 सप्ताह तक लगातार करते रहते हैं। इससे परागण बढ़ जाता है और संकर बीज का उत्पादन 14% तक बढ़ जाता है।

(Rub your palm with the inflorescence of the male parent plant and then rub it with the inflorescence of the female parent plant. Do this every day between 5 - 8 am or at intervals of one day and keep doing it continuously for 2 weeks. This increases pollination and increases hybrid seed production by 14%.)

4. Nipping:-

·         अधिक प्रकाश तीव्रता के कारण ग्रीष्म ऋतु में कक्षस्थ पुष्पन होता है। ये कक्षस्थ कलिकाएँ पोषक पदार्थों को ग्रहण करती रहती हैं जबकि मुख्य शीर्षस्थ पुष्पक्रम को पोषक नहीं मिल पाने से बीज उपज घट जाती है।

(Axillary flowering occurs in summer due to high light intensity. These axillary buds continue to receive nutrients, while the main apical inflorescence does not receive nutrients, decreasing seed yield.)

·         इसलिए इन कक्षस्थ कलिकाओं को काटकर हटा दिया जाता है। इस प्रक्रिया को Nipping कहते हैं।

(Therefore, these axilaary buds are cut and removed. This process is called Nipping.)

5. Foliar spray:- 2% DAP  20 ppm NAA का दो बार स्प्रे किया जाता है। पहली बार बुवाई के 30वें दिन  दूसरी बार बुवाई के 60वें दिन स्प्रे करते हैं। इससे बीज उपज बढ़ जाती है।

(2% DAP and 20 ppm NAA are sprayed twice. First spray is done on the 30th day of sowing and the second spray is done on the 60th day after sowing. This increases seed yield.)

6. Irrigation:- प्रति सप्ताह सिंचाई देते हैं। इससे बीजों का आकार  संख्या बढ़ जाते हैं।

(Gives irrigation per week. This increases the size and number of seeds.)

7. Planting ratio:-

·         ग्रीष्म ऋतु फसल के लिए नर  मादा जनक पंक्तियों का अनुपात क्रमश: 1 : 3 या 1 : 4 रखा जाता है।

(For summer crop, the ratio of male and female parent rows is kept 1: 3 or 1: 4 respectively.)

·         शीत ऋतु फसल के लिए नर  मादा जनक पंक्तियों का अनुपात क्रमश: 1 : 6 रखा जाता है।

(For winter season, the ratio of male and female parent rows is kept 1: 6 respectively.)