Fennel Crop Improvement

सौंफ फसल उन्नयन (Fennel Crop Improvement):-
1. परिचय (Introduction):-
·         सामान्य नाम:- सौंफ
(Common Name:- Fennel)
·         वानस्पतिक नाम:- Foeniculum vulgare
(Botanical Name:- Foeniculum vulgare)
·         कुल:- ऐपीएसी या अम्बेलीफेरी
(Family:- Apiaceae or Umbelliferae)
·         भारत का सौंफ उत्पादन में विश्व में प्रथम स्थान है।
(India ranks first in the world in fennel production.)
·         गुणसूत्र संख्या (Chromosome Numbers):- 2n = 22
·         उत्पत्ति केन्द्र (Center of Origin):- भूमध्यसागरीय क्षेत्र (Mediterranean region दक्षिण यूरोप (South Europe)
2. पुष्पीय बायोलॉजी (Floral Biology):-
·         सौंफ एक बहुवर्षीय मसाला फसल है। इसकी पादप ऊंचाई 1 मीटर होती है।
(Fennel is a perennial spice crop. It has a plant height of 1 meter.)
·         सौंफ में Compound umbel पुष्पक्रम होता है। प्रत्येक इकाई को Umbellule कहते हैं।
(Fennel has compound umbel inflorescence. Each unit is called Umbellule.)
·         प्रत्येक पुष्प द्विलिंगी  वृन्तीय होता है। प्रत्येक Umbellule में केन्द्रीय पुष्प त्रिज्यातसममित  परिधीय पुष्प एकव्याससममित होते हैं।
(Each flower is bisexual and pedicellate. In each Umbellule, the central flowers are actinomorphic and the peripheral flowers are zygomorphic.)
·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 5 हरे रंग के बाह्यदल होते हैं जो एक दूसरे से स्वतंत्र रहते हैं।  परिधीय पुष्पों में पश्च बाह्यदल छोटे  अग्र बाह्यदल बड़े होते हैं।
(Each flower has 5 green sepals which are free from each other. In peripheral flowers, the posterior sepals are smaller and the anterior sepals are larger.)
·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में पीले रंग के 5 स्वतंत्र दल होते हैं जो कोरस्पर्शी दलविन्यास प्रदर्शित करते हैं। प्रत्येक दल द्विपालित होता है। परिधीय पुष्पों में पश्च दल छोटे  अग्र दल बड़े होते हैं।
(Each flower consists of 5 free yellow petals that represent valvate aestivation. Each petal is bilobed. In the peripheral flowers, the posterior petals are smaller and the anterior petals are larger.)
·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 5 स्वतंत्र पुंकेसर होते हैं।
(Each flower has 5 free stamens.)
·         प्रत्येक पुष्प में 2 संयुक्त अण्डप होते हैं  जिसमें बीजाण्ड स्तंभीय बीजाण्डन्यास में पाये जाते हैं।
(Each flower has 2 fused carpels, in which the ovules are found in axile placentation.)
·         Stylopodium:- अंडाश्य के शीर्ष पर एक फुली हुई लगभग द्विशाखित मकरंद डिस्क होती है जिसे Stylopodium कहते हैं।
(There is a swollen almost bifid nectar disc found at the top of the ovary which is called as Stylopodium.)
·         पुष्पचित्र (Floral Diagram):- 
·         परागण (Pollination):-  प्राकृतिक रूप से सौंफ एक परपरागित फसल है। इसमें परागण कीट जातियों के द्वारा कराया जाता है।
(Naturally, fennel is a cross pollinated crop. Pollination is done by insect species.)
·         फल (Fruit):- क्रीमोकार्प (Cremocarp)
3. प्रजनन उद्देश्य (Breeding Objective):-
a. अधिक उपज (Higher Yield):- सौंफ के बीजों को मसाले के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है। इसमें बीज उपज निम्न कारकों पर निर्भर करती है –
(Fennel seeds are used as spices. The yield in fennel depends on the following factors -)
Ø  प्रति पौधा पुष्पक्रमों की संख्या
(Number of inflorescences per plant)
Ø  प्रति पुष्पक्रम umbellule इकाइयों की संख्या
(Number of umbellule units per inflorescence)
Ø  प्रति umbellule पुष्पों की संख्या
(Number of flowers per umbellule)
b. रोग रोधिता (Disease Resistance):-
Ø  Leaf (Ramularia) blight
Ø Leaf Spot
Ø Damping Off
Ø Fusarium Wilt
Ø Powdery mildew
Ø Collar rot
Ø Root rot
c. कीट रोधिता (Insect Resistance):-
Ø Aphid
Ø Thrips
Ø Leaf eating caterpillar / gram pod borer
Ø Cutworm
Ø Cigarette beetle
Ø Drugstore beetle
d. अजैविक प्रतिबल सहिष्णुता (Abiotic stress Tolerance):-
Ø  सूखा (Drought)
Ø  लवणता (Salinity)
4. प्रजनन विधियाँ (Breeding methods):-
·         सौंफ एक परपरागित फसल है। इसलिए परपरागित फसलों में उपयोग की जाने वाली सभी प्रजनन विधियों का उपयोग इसके सुधार के लिए किया जाता है।
(Fennel is a cross pollinated crop. Therefore all breeding methods used in cross pollinated crops can be used for its improvement.)
·         किस्में (varieties):- विभिन्न राज्यों में सौंफ की विभिन्न किस्में विकसित की गई हैं।
(Different varieties of fennel have been developed in different states.)
a. Rajasthan:-
Ø  Ajmer Fennel – 1, 2 (AF – 1, 2)
Ø  RF – 101, 125, 143, 178, 205, 281
b. Gujarat:-
Ø  PF – 35
Ø  Gujarat Fennel – 1, 2, 11 (GF – 1, 2, 11)
c. Haryana:-
Ø  Hisar Swarup
Ø  Haryana Fannel – 143 (HF - 143)
d. Tamil Nadu:-
Ø  Co – 1
e. Bihar:-
Ø  Rajendra Saurbha:- इसे SKN College of Agriculture (RAU) के द्वारा विकसित किया गया था। इसे वर्ष 2000 में विमोचित किया गया था। इसकी बीज उपज 18 – 19 क्विंटल / हेक्टयर होती है।
(It was developed by SKN College of Agriculture (RAU). It was released in the year 2000. Its seed yield is 18 – 19 quintal / hectare.)