Plant Growth Regulators: Definition, Classification and Role of PGR's in Agricultural Crops

UPDATED ON:- 01-01-2024

पादप वृद्धि नियामकपरिभाषावर्गीकरण और PGRs की कृष्य फसलों में भूमिका (Plant Growth Regulators: Definition, Classification and Role of PGR’s in Agricultural Crops):-

परिभाषा (Definition):-

पादप वृद्धि नियामक (Plant Growth Regulators):- प्राकृतिक या कृत्रिम पदार्थ जो पौधों की वृद्धि  विकास को प्रभावित करते हैंपादप वृद्धि नियामक कहलाते हैं।

(Natural or artificial substances that affect the growth and development of plants are called plant growth regulators.)

 वर्गीकरण (Classification):-

1. उत्पत्ति के आधार पर (Based upon origin):-

i. प्राकृतिक (अन्तर्जात[Natural (Endogenous)]:- पौधों में कुछ ऊतकों के द्वारा प्राकृतिक रूप से उत्पन्न किए जाते हैं। उदाहरण:- IAA

(These are produced naturally by some tissues in plants. Example:- IAA)

ii. संश्लिष्ट (बहिर्जात[Synthetic (Exogenous)]:- इन्हें कृत्रिम रूप से लैब में बनाया जाता है। उदाहरण:- 2,4-D, NAA

(These are prepared artificially in the laboratory. Example:- 2,4-D, NAA)

2. कार्य के आधार पर (Based upon function):-

i. वृद्धि प्रेरक (Growth Promoters):- ये पौधों में वृद्धि को प्रेरित करते हैं। उदाहरण:- Auxin, Gibberellin, Cyotokinin

(They stimulate growth in plants. Examples:- Auxin, Gibberellin, Cytokinin)

ii. वृद्धि अवमंदक (Growth Inhibitors):- ये पौधों में वृद्धि को रोक देते हैं। उदाहरण:- ABA, Ethylene

(They inhibit the growth of plants. Example:- ABA, Ethylene)

Description (वर्णन):-

1. औक्सिन (Auxin):-

Ø  यह पौधों के SAM, RAM और तरुण पत्तियों में पाया जाता है।

(It is found in SAM, RAM and young leaves of plants.)

Ø  इसकी खोज F. W. Went ने 1928 में की थी।

(It was discovered by F. W. Went in 1928.)

Ø  इसका जैवसंश्लेषण ट्रिप्टोफेन अमीनो अम्ल से होता है।

(It is biosynthesized from the amino acid tryptophan.)

Ø  इसका मुख्य कार्य कोशिका लम्बवन का है।

(Its main function is of cell elongation.)

2. साइटोकाइनिन (Cytokinin):-

Ø  यह अधिकतर पौधों की जड़ों में पाया जाता है।

(It is mostly found in the roots of plants.)

Ø  इसकी खोज Skoog  Miller ने की थी।

(It was discovered by Skoog and Miller.)

Ø  Zeatin पहला प्राकृतिक cytokinin है।

(Zeatin is the first natural cytokinin.)

Ø  इसका जैवसंश्लेषण Recycled tRNA से होता है।

(It is biosynthesized from recycled tRNA.)

Ø  इसका मुख्य कार्य कोशिका विभाजन का है।

(Its main function is of cell division.)

3. जिब्रेलिन्स (Gibberellins):-

Ø  यह पौधों के बीजों और कवक Gibbrella fuzicuroi में पाया जाता है।

(It is found in the seeds of plants and in the fungus Gibbrella fuzicuroi.)

Ø  इसकी खोज kurosawa ने की थी।

(It was discovered by Kurosawa.)

Ø  इसका जैवसंश्लेषण Acetyl CoA से होता है।

(It is biosynthesized from Acetyl CoA.)

Ø  इसका मुख्य कार्य पौधों में बीजों के अंकुरण को प्रेरित करना है।

(Its main function is to induce the germination of seeds in plants.)

4. ऐब्सिसिक अम्ल [Abscisic Acid (ABA)]:-

Ø  यह पुरानी पत्तियोंशीर्षस्थ कलिकाओं  बीजों में पाया जाता है।

(It is found in older leaves, apical buds and seeds.)

Ø  इसकी खोज F. T. Addicott ने की थी।

(It was discovered by F. T. Addicott.)

Ø  इसका जैवसंश्लेषण Isopentenyl Di Phosphate (IDP) से होता है।

(It is biosynthesized from Isopentenyl Di Phosphate (IDP).)

Ø  इसका मुख्य कार्य बीज प्रसुप्ति को बनाए रखना है।

(Its main function is to maintain seed dormancy.)

Ø  यह पत्तियों के रंध्रों को बंद भी करता है।

(It also close the stomata of the leaves.)

नोट:- GA  ABA हार्मोन्स दोनों एक दूसरे के विपरीत कार्य करते हैं।

(Note:- Both GA and ABA hormones work opposite to each other.)

नोट:- ABA हार्मोन GA के जैवसंश्लेषण को रोक देता है।

(Note:- ABA inhibits the biosynthesis of the hormone GA.)

5. एथिलीन [Ethylene (C2H4)]:-

Ø  यह एकमात्र गैसीय हार्मोन है।

(It is the only gaseous hormone.)

Ø  यह पक रहे फलों में पाया जाता है।

(It is found in ripening fruits.)

Ø  इसकी खोज Doubt ने 1917 में और Crocker ने 1935 में की थी।

(It was discovered by Doubt in 1917 and by Crocker in 1935.)

Ø  इसका जैवसंश्लेषण मेथिओनिन अमीनो अम्ल से होता है।

(It is biosynthesized from the amino acid methionine.)

Ø  इसका मुख्य कार्य फलों को पकाना होता है।

(Its main function is to ripen fruits.)

कृष्य फसलों में PGRs का महत्व (Role of PGRs in Agricultural Crops):-

1. अंकुरण  बहिर्गमन (Germination and Emergence):- मृदा पपड़ीशुष्क मृदा  ठंडी मृदा में अंकुर बाहर नहीं निकाल पते हैं जिससे बहुत कम बीज अंकुरण होता है। ठंडी मृदा में तापमान कम होने के कारण खेत फसलों के बीजों का बहुत कम अंकुरण होता है। यदि बीजों को GA विलयन में 6 – 24 घण्टे के लिए भिगोकर बुवाई की जाये तो अंकुरण प्रतिशत बढ़ जाता है।

(In soil crust, dry soil and cold soil, the shoots do not emerge easily, due to which very little seed germination takes place. Due to low temperature in cold soil, the germination of seeds of field crops is very low. If the seeds are sown after soaking in GA solution for 6 - 24 hours, then the germination percentage increases.)

2. मूल वृद्धि (Root Growth):- Auxin कुल के कुछ PGRs पादप कटिंग से मूल निर्माण को प्रेरित करते हैं। इन PGRs का उपयोग बागवानी फसलों में सामान्य रूप से किया जाता है। उदाहरण:- IBA

(Some PGRs of the auxin family induce root formation from plant cuttings. These PGRs are commonly used in horticultural crops. Example:- IBA)

3. पोषकों का संचालन  स्थानांतरण (Mobilization and Translocation of Nutrients):- PGRs अकार्बनिक पादप पोषकों  शर्करा के स्थानांतरण को प्रभावित करते हैं। उदाहरण:- GA

(PGRs influence the translocation of inorganic plant nutrients and sugars. Example:- GA)

4. फसलों में तनाव सहिष्णुता और नमी सम्बंध (Stress tolerance and Moisture relations of crops):- वाष्पोत्सर्जन में जल की हानि कम होने से मृदा नमी तनाव के प्रति सहिष्णुता आती है।

(Reduced water loss in transpiration brings tolerance to soil moisture stress.)

i. IAA  ABA मृदा नमी तनाव के समय रंध्रों को बन्द रखते हैं। जिससे फसल उपज बढ़ जाती है।

(IAA and ABA keep the stomata closed during soil moisture stress. Due to which the crop yield increases.)

ii. Oil wax mixture, Latex, Silicon polymer आदि रसायन पर्ण की ऊपरी  निचली सतह पर जल अवरोधी फिल्म बना लेते हैं।

(Chemicals like oil wax mixture, latex, silicon polymer etc. form a water barrier film on the upper and lower surface of the leaf.)

iii. कुछ PGRs पादप की शीर्ष वृद्धि को घटकर फसल उपज को बढ़ाते हैं।

(Some PGRs increase crop yield by reducing top growth of plants.)

5. परिपक्वता (Maturity):- कुछ PGRs गन्ने  कपास में परिपक्वता को प्रभावित करते हैं।

(Some PGRs influences maturity in sugarcane and cotton.)

6. जीर्णता (Senescence):- Auxin, Gibberellin  Cyotokinin हार्मोन्स पौधों में जीर्णता को घटाते हैं जबकि ABA  Ethylene हार्मोन्स पौधों में जीर्णता को बढ़ाते हैं।

(Auxin, Gibberellin and Cytokinin hormones reduce senescence in plants while ABA and Ethylene hormones increase senescence in plants.)

7. फसल उपज  गुणवत्ता (Crop yield and Quality):- GA का उपयोग फल उत्पादन में किया जाता है।

(GA is used in fruit production.)